hazel ngi'm an illustrator and comic artist. nice to meet you!


commission type

Click on respective images for larger size!FULL COLOR: $200 starting
SKETCH: $85 starting
*Pricing varies based on detail and background.
You can submit commission requests at my email, [email protected], or DM me on twitter (@hazelblad).Please include all necessary info, such as type, your email address so I can invoice you as well as send the finished work, references for your character or background if necessary, and if you have any additional intent for the illustration (for example, other illustrations I have done that you would like me to emulate, background on what kind of story or action you want me to depict, or even just pictures that you think would work as a moodboard). Loose stick-figure drawings are also great. The more information I have to work with, the better I can interpret what you'd like me to draw. (For sketch commissions, you don't need to provide too much, just references are fine.)I reserve the right to refuse any commission request.All payments will be an invoice via Stripe. I'll also provide an additional link in case you want to tip.I generally prefer upfront payment but if for whatever reason you want to do half before and half after, please let me know in the initial inquiry!


I will send sketches within 3 days of upfront payment (half or full) for approval. When the work is finished, I will send a low-resolution file for final approval and small changes. For larger changes past sketch phase, I may charge extra fee to compensate for the work required.

usage and rights

You may use the work for social media (icon, banner, etc)
You may upload the work on social media sites.
You may print out the work for non-commercial, personal use.
You retain all rights to intellectual property (character design, story, etc.)
You may NOT claim the work as your own.
You may NOT reproduce or sell the work unless explicitly agreed upon.
You may NOT use the work as NFT.